Two ravens black as night
Together in bounded flight
Beaks twist and pull
On unseen strings
Scattered wings
Shadows from the dark
Screams of the unseen lark.
Two pairs of human eyes
Deep pools like empty skies
Filled with tears and angered fear
Blink and stare
Against the unseen glare
Shadows from the dark
Screams of the unseen lark.
Ravens wind threads together
Bind them in grace forever
Across the earth to see
Sealed in deeper knowledge
Thoughts of love and courage
Shadows from the dark
Screams of the unseen lark.
Hands and arms that reach
Across deep oceans the search
Lost horizons from the deep
Mountains rose from the ground
Forests grow in silent sound
Shadows from the dark
Screams of the unseen lark.
Eyes mesmerized, entangled lines
Mouths speak empty soundless signs
For those without ears
Stories and ancient tales
Truths of tipping scales
Shadows from the dark
Screams of the unseen lark.
Circle and swirl
Round and round
Lost souls, spider’s web
No start, no end
Just one message to send
Hope in truth, not lies
Shadows from the dark
Screams of the unseen lark.
Burning rays of light
Scatter and break the night
Mirrored pieces of glass
Who am I to perceive?
Who am I to conceive?
Who is right, who is wrong
Shadows from the dark
Screams of the unseen lark.
Just once, just once my friend
With slight and precious intend
Your eyes and smile
Stretch mile after mile
Bring love to heal
With authority to steal
Shadows from the dark
Screams of the unseen lark.